Meet Chris Guillebeau
Chris Guillebeau has inspired travelers and entrepreneurs by pursuing and fulfilling his mission of visiting every country in the world. During his journeys he built a business and helped show others how to find and pursue their passions. His first book, The Art of Non-Conformity, and the blog of the same name outlined exactly how to do just that.
The Micro-Business Revolution
After completing his travel mission he didn’t rest on his laurels. Instead he directed his focus at what he calls “The Micro-Business Revolution.”
He explores how solopreneurs can start up a business and easily find customers and work for themselves. He even argues that being an entrepreneur is a safer decision than working for someone else.
In this podcast episode originally recorded right before the launch of his new book The $100 Start-Up, he explores the idea of “The Micro-Business Revolution” and walks through how to choose a project and create the business and life you want.
A perfect fit for the Digital Homesteading podcast! You can listen and subscribe on iTunes, list or subscribe on Stitcher and listen below. Prepare for inspiration as we sit down with Chris Guillebeau.